what the funk
6/07/2009June 7, 2009
I will not spend the entire summer @ a festival, cookout, or party. Have killed many a NYC summer that way and besides, I'm a serious woman. Disclaimers aside though, went to a phat cookout at Prospect Park yesterday (I heart veggie burgers on spelt bread) followed by a Fela v. James Brown spinoff @ Club Love with Rich Medina and DJ Spinna. Party c/o Keistar Productions, producers of the annual Wonder-FULL party, who incidentally brought the Inauguration edition, Volume IX, and Volume X (next month) this year alone, making me think it's less an annual celebration of Stevie than a monthly expansion of their income.
Haven't been to Love in a minute, forgot about the black lights that made my white top, teeth, and eyeballs glow in the dark. The crowd was off the chain, and me and my girls brought a nice Brooklyn vibe to warm up the city. I heard there were a bunch of cats in from Austin, too. Afrobeat and funk make the world go 'round.
There was a guy walking around with a camera with one of those really bright and annoying spotlights. Hated it. No idea what he captured in that crowded ass room apart from a couple of sweaty heads and elbows. I was a lightweight, though, legs already tired from dance class, so I split after a couple of hours. On my way out, ran into a photographer friend I'm crushing on and almost followed him back inside. LOL.