singing again


Sorry I have been a little MIA on here. Last week was busy at work applying for a Sundance Documentary Fund grant, then off to Stanford for a reunion of my college a cappella group, Talisman. It's difficult to encapsulate how wonderful an experience it was, with over 100 of us flying in from all over the world (Berlin, Korea, and India among others) for the twentieth anniversary of the group's founding by Joe Pigato.

He was just a Stanford junior (I think) when he started the group to sing "culturally substantive" music. South Africa was still under apartheid, and he used a lot of Zulu/Xhosa folk songs in the early repertoire. Since then Talisman has toured the American South and South Africa, sung at the White House, recorded almost twenty albums, and added more folk spirituals and world music to the repertoire.

There was an article about us in the paper, and I wanted to share a couple of clips from the show. (I am the lead solo on Amazing Grace!) I can only say that it is an infinite blessing to be a part of something so creative, positive, and transformative. Wish I could bottle all that good energy up and spray it on like perfume. Enjoy!

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