the people v aissatou ba//written and directed by iquo b essien
Hi all, sorry so long no write! I have been deep in production, just now coming up for air. In case you hadn't heard, I am directing a short film at the moment. Wanted you all to know that there are only 15 hours left to fund my project, THE PEOPLE v. AISSATOU BA, on IndieGoGo.
Inspired by the New York v. Strauss-Kahn case, THE PEOPLE v. AISSATOU BA
is a story about an African immigrant housekeeper moving on with her
life after the case against the man who assaulted her is dismissed.
Sexual harassment affects room attendants on a daily basis, many of whom are afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs. THE PEOPLE v. AISSATOU BA is one woman's story of courage, resilience and faith to speak out.
To show your support for this project (or me! :), you can:
1. Make a PLEDGE today
2. SMS to 10 friends and family
3. LIKE us on Facebook
4. FOLLOW us on Twitter
Thanks for your support! You are appreciated. --AL.
i wish you all the best. hope to see it out soon.